Young Carers looking after ill family members

For the website Pausentaste I made a comic story about a teenager looking after her grandfather who is suffering from dementia. Underage people taking care of family members who need help are called young carers. There are almost 500.000 young carers in Germany. This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Patient's Consent for new aortic valve

For the Charité hospital university in Berlin in collaboration with Prof. Dr. med Verena Stangl und PD Dr. med Anna Brand (editors) from Charité Berlin and Alexandra Hamann - mintwissen (storyboard) I illustrated this patient's consent in comic form for TAVI. TAVI is the implantation of a new aortic valve through a catheter.

On History

The Museum of German History in Berlin (DHM) asked me to make a comis strip of my personal point of view on history. In this story I talk about my Eastern German childhood and my youth and young adulthood after the fall of the wall. Published in "Historische Urteilskraft 04".

Healthy Heart

For Charité Berlin, Prof. Dr. Verena Stangl, PD Dr. Anna Brand (both editors), Alexandra Hamann (mintwissen agency, concept and layout)) and I (illustrations) made this secondary prevention comic for keeping people and their hearts healthy, especially after having had a heart attack or when living with a stent.

Berlin noise hedges

For the Weekend edition of Berliner Zeitung. The story is about sparrows making constantly loads of noise.

Heart Catheter Examination

For the Charité hospital university in Berlin in collaboration with Prof. Dr. med Verena Stangl und Dr. med Anna Brand (editors), Linde Gao from Charité Berlin and Alexandra Hamann - mintwissen (storyboard) I illustrated this patient's consent in comic form.

Comic strip for Strapazin

For Swiss comic anthology STRAPAZIN.

Comic strip about Puccini's opera: Il Trittico

For the magazine Max Joseph of Bayrische Staatsoper in Munich I made a comic strip about the three endings in Giacomo Puccini's "Il Trittico".

History of Philosophy

For Hohe Luft Kompakt, a magazine on philosophy, I made a short graphic history of philosophy.

SPRING #11 Wonder

For SPRING #11 Wonder I made a poster about the wonders of medicine.

Various comic strips about Hamburg

These comics were all made for Hamburg magazine focusing on historical events which all took place in Hamburg: the Beatles starting to become famous in the early 1960s; the history of Altona, once a former Danish town; Hans Albers, a famous actor and the Hamburg Opera.

Comic strip about C.P.E. Bach

Comic strip about C.P.E. Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach's son, who also was a composer, also for Hamburg Magazine.

Vienna Circle

Comic strip about the end of the Vienna Circle, an association of scientists and philosophers at the university in Vienna in the 1920s and 1930s. For Hohe Luft, a magazine on philosophy.

Reynard the Fox

My comic for SPRING #9 magazine: Reynard the Fox. 12 artists tell in 12 chapters J. W. v. Goethe's "Reynard the Fox".

The Worker

This is the story of the everyday in an everyday life. Published in the Italian comics collective Delebile "Home" in 2012.