Paper cut animation
For Berlin Jazz band Field I made a paper cut animation for their song "Dresden", the first title on the album "Someone talked". I used tons of cut outs of black paper to create this stop-motion film.

is Italian for 'midnight' and the title of this silkscreen printed 8-page book, based on my papercuts series "Insects and Vampires".
silkscreen printed by Shining-Labor, Berlin
3 colours, 8 pages, thread-stitching, flap brochure, 24x29cm

Riso Print: Moth
From the Mezzanotte silkscreen book as a riso print with fluorescent colours, printed by Galery Grafik1030 in Schaerbeck, Brussels for an exhibition from 31 August till 26 October 2023.

For Berlin Jazz band Uli Kempendorff's FIELD, I designed the album cover for LP and CD with papercuts. The title "Someone Talked" gave me the visual inspiration of insects' communications in a large field and underground.

The Darktown Dinner & Dance 2021
Jonny Hannah invited me to do a napkin for his Darktown Dinner & Dance exhibition in May 2021. He silkscreened the napkins and this is my design, a vampire with fruits paper cut.

Insects and Vampires
Paper cuts, 23 cm x 28 cm, black paper, insects and humans and vampires. These paper cuts started as a personal project. They are all based on insect mouthparts and fangs.

Gloria: a musical performance with animation
Gloria is a theatrical project by hirche/ krumbein productions and the POMPFÜNEBRER. Pompfünebre describes a very musical, theatrical and glorious funeral. I made the paper cut animation, which was projected on the singer's/actor's skirt. Text, idea and costume by Kathrin Krumbein. The performance premiered at Schaubude Berlin on July 1st, 2017.

The Heather Ale – A Galloway Legend
Papercut illustrations of the poem "The Heather Ale – A Galloway Legend" by Robert Louis Stevenson, in English, 7 cm x 9,5 cm, 40 pages, offset.